Tuesday, January 20, 2009

a runner runs - a Christian reads

It is cold this morning - and windy.

I lay in bed last night listening to the cold front blow in - it rattled the porch roof and made the blinds of our drafty house sway.

It is the sort of morning when one decides whether or not they are a runner. A runner runs. It sounds obvious, but it's true. It's not the clothes they wear, or the music they listen to, or the friends they have, or the car they drive... You know a runner because they run.

On Sunday, Josh pointed out that a Christian reads - the Bible that is. It's the center of the training program. Some take on the marathon-training of reading through the Bible in a year. Others are just trying to finish that 5K - reading the sermon scriptures daily.

Either way, you can tell a Christian by their time in God's Word - just like you can tell a runner by their time on the road.

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